Mental Focus for Golf

"Be happy in the moment, that’s enough. Each moment is all we need, not more".Mother Theresa
Reduce Stress = Golf Better and Live Better!
How often does one bad hole ruin your day? There is no reason to live with that problem, or all the other problems that stress and anxiety cause.
Tim's Mental Focus for Golf is the practice of living (and golfing) in the present moment. Most stress and anxiety comes from worries about the future and regrets from the past. During your game you want to keep your stress and anxiety as low as possible. The goal of practicing Mental Focus for Golf is to become mindful throughout the day. As you become more mindful, not only will your golf game get better, but your stress and anxiety during the rest of your day will decrease, and your effectiveness with everything that you do will increase.
Tim Shevlin is a certified MBSR (mindfulness based stress reduction) instructor, and while his mental focus class is similar to MBSR he has modified it to make it safe and effective for all people and all religions.
Benefits of Mental Focus Stress Reduction Practice
- More Consistent Golf Game: Whether driving or putting, when your focus is on the present moment, you will be able to perform at your best.
- Better Decision Making: Quite often, poor decision making is the result of a lack of mindful behavior. Mental focus stress reduction classes will help you improve your decision-making by training you to think through each step of your day.
- Improved Self-Esteem: The result of poor decisions can be low self-esteem. Our classes will help break this negative cycle in your life.
- Less Negative Judgment and Anger: One of the first things we teach in mental focus stress reduction classes is the ability to let go of negative emotions and anger. By releasing our negative emotions, we release our urge to judge others, too, which allows for more positive energy in our daily lives.
- Increased Ability to Relax: Once that anger has been released, you will notice an increased ability to relax and calm your mind.
- Greater Energy and Enthusiasm: Increased ability to relax, in turn, results in higher energy levels and the ability to get more done during the average day. Of course, this will lead to a heightened sense of accomplishment.
- Better Sleep, Mood and Energy levels: Living in the present moment will also help improve your sleep, and in turn, your mood.
- Reduced Pain Levels: As your journey into mental focus evolves, you will learn some more advanced techniques, like moderating your own pain levels through your own mind.
- Enhanced Ability to Cope with Pain: By thinking through the root causes of pain, quite often we can use mental focus to train our bodies to cope better with pain.
- Improved Relationships: Lack of mindful behavior quite often impacts those in our lives very negatively. Those closest to us take the brunt of the negativity and thoughtless behavior that results. Mental focus stress reduction will help you break this cycle and improve your personal relationships dramatically.
- Improved Coping Skills: Along with all the other benefits, our classes will also train you to react better to adversity and cope with loss more readily.
- Better Relationship with God: God is with us in the present moment. Live in the present and increase your relationship with God.
Mental Focus for Golf Course
Our Mental Focus for Golf is a 12 week program that will have you mindfully striking the ball better than ever.
What to expect:
You will start by filling out a detailed intake form. After you've completed that Tim Shevlin will reach out to you and schedule your startup evaluation, this is a one-on-one in-person or zoom meeting where Tim will evaluate you and answer any questions that you may have.
After the initial interview, Tim will create your coursework, recording guided meditations, and deciding what daily work will work best for you.
You will have online or in-person meetings with Tim every two weeks to evaluate how you are doing, and set up your coursework for the next two weeks.
Our initial course is 90 days, after that you will have all the tools to continue golfing (and living) mindfully forever, but if you feel like you would like to continue after the first 90 days, you can continue on a month to month program. Your 90 day program costs $500 and that includes everything you need to change your game and your life.
The rest is up to you! Most clients' homework consists of 5-10 minutes of focus 3-5 days per week. This is not a labor intensive program, but for it to be effective it you must be consistent. But hey, 15 minutes of work per week is pretty easy to carve out.
Sign up today and get ready to start golfing better!