Anywhere is a Great Place for a Workout

Workout Anywhere

Have you ever been sitting at home and thought, I should start working out, but you don't have the motivation, or you are unsure how to workout on your own?

Rest assured, you are not on your own!  Most people do not know how to workout in a gym, let alone at home with a set of exercise bands and a medicine ball.  And let us be honest, the little pamphlet that they send with exercise equipment is no good unless you already know what you are doing.

That is exactly why I created this page, to help you fully understand how to workout on your own, at home, in a park, at the beach, or even in a shopping center.  I'm doing this page to first help you perform exercises correctly, but also to show you that you can workout anywhere, and to have a little fun doing it.

If you are at the gym and need help with in the gym workouts, you can click here to see our list of gym equipment and exercises.

If you need additional help maximizing your workouts, or just need to know how to do a certain exercise that is not listed here, please give us a call at 470-604-0038 or contact us and we will help you out as soon as we can.

Are you ready to take your workouts to the next level? Are you interested in getting great recipe ideas? Do you want customized mindfulness excises and nutrition? We will set you up with your own custom program whether you workout in a gym, at your home, or anywhere in-between. Get real results, from a real expert! Click here to sign up!

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About Us

At The Green Physique, we take a natural and holistic approach to health.

It is our mission to teach you how to truly live a healthier and happier life.

We specialize in personal training, TPI golf training, arthritis relief, post physical therapy rehabilitation, anti-inflammatory eating, natural pain management, mindfulness, mental health counseling, nutrition, and complete body health.

Most of our services are on a private or semi-private basis, taking away any feeling of intimidation or discomfort. That also allows for our clients to get the most out of their time here and maximize their results.

Keep reading for more information about our products and services, or click here to contact us directly.