Glute Stabilizer Swing

The Glute Stabilizer Swing is one of the best exercises I've done to increase glute engagement and stabilization.

Golf Fitness Exercises

Primary Muscles Used

golf swing Muscles Used

Glute Stabilizer Swing Instructions

  • You can use a kettlebell, dumbbell, or even a gallon of water, anything that you can hold onto and that has weight.
  1. Start by standing about 18-24 inches away from a wall holding the weight in both hands in front of you.
  2. Put one of your legs against the wall, that knee should be bent at about a 90 degree angle.
  3. Keep the other leg firmly on the ground with just a slight bend in that knee and hip hinge forward.
  4. Rotate your upper body towards the leg that is on the ground (if your right leg is on the ground and left leg on the wall you will twist to the right).
  5. Rotate as far as you can while maintaining strict form.
  6. Pause at the top and slowly bring the weight back down to the starting point.
  7. Repeat.
  • Perform exercise in both directions.

Front View

Golf Fitness Exercise

Side View


Tim's list of benefits for the Glute Stabilizer Swing

  • Glutes are the king of the golf swing, this exercise will help you get the king of swing into your swing.
  • Weak glutes cause a multitude of problems in the golf swing which can lead to injury, this exercise will help eliminate that risk.

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