Thank you for signing up for our Spiritual Fitness Program!

We are excited to begin this journey with you.  Please fill out the form below, this will give us a good amount of information to begin your program.  We look forward to working with you, and showing you how to achieve better health, wellness, and a closer connection to God.

Are you following any workout program? How often do you workout? How active are you?
Are you following a nutrition program? Do you have any dietary restrictions?
Describe your spiritual health, do you have any major struggles? What is your connection with God like?
Give us an overall assessment of how you believe your life is going with regards to health and spirituality.
Is there a desired location that you will be weight training and doing cardio? In a gym, at home, a combination of both?
Is there anything else that you would like to tell us? Anything that may help us better assist you?