Locating a fitness, diet & nutrition coach in Pine Island doesn’t have to be difficult. Even if you have failed in the weight loss and fitness arena in the past, you can find success with Green Physique.
Owner, Tim Shevlin, understands the challenges of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In fact, his passion for health and wellness arose in college when he was facing some self-destructive addictions and a herniated disc. When he successfully overcame those addictions and rehabbed his own medical issues, he realized the value in helping others learn to live healthy lives.
He became a Certified Fitness Trainer, Certified Exercise Therapist, Certified Nutrition Specialist, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Group Facilitator, and a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Instructor. His personal and professional achievements make him the coach you have been looking for.
What You Won’t Find Here
Many programs are designed for the financial benefit of those who created them. They are not focused on ensuring that you are truly healthy and well. Instead, they seek to line ther pockets. These are some things you won’t find at Green Physique:
- Eliminating Your Favorite Foods– Restricting certain food groups from our diets usually leads to an intense craving for those foods! As most of us have seen as we seek to become healthier, these cravings can be our downfall and contribute to our failure to achieve our diet goals.
- Restricting Carbs– While monitoring your carb intake is not a bad idea, avoiding bread for the rest of your life is completely impractical. Don’t expect us to convince you to forego all the joy that is pasta, potatoes, and bread!
- Never-ending Exercise– We believe you should have a life outside of the gym. You won’t be subjected to 10 hours a week of cardio in our coaching plan.
- One-Size-Fits-All– We understand that each of us have different daily work and family requirements. To be successful, you will need a customized coaching and dietary plan that works for you.
What You Will Find Here
Our coaching program offers you some unique benefits that you probably won’t find elsewhere. Here are just a few of those things:
- All Level Suitability– Whether you are interested in disease prevention, fitness, nutrition counseling, weight loss or stress management, we will meet you wherever you are.
- Simplicity– We will provide up to date and scientifically accurate methods of achieving your health and wellness goals. And, we will do our best to keep it simple.
- Comprehensive Focus- Thanks to our expert training, we can help you achieve your goals from a variety of angles. You will receive nutrition, exercise, and healthy habit strategies from your coach.
- Collaboration- Together we can combine our knowledge to implement a plan and program that works for you. We won’t tell you what to do; we will work together with you to design the best strategies.
You can stop looking for a fitness, diet & nutrition coach in Pine Island, because Green Physique has exactly what you need. Give us a call at (470) 604-0038 for more information or to schedule your first session. You can also contact us online.