Increasing Mental Focus
“If you’re happy, if you’re feeling good, then nothing else matters.”Robin Wright
Increasing mental focus is learning how to use our natural mental faculties of attention and intention.
We first focus a non-judgmental attention upon our daily life experiences. We then choose a wise intention to ascribe to our life experiences. This deeper understanding of our life results in more health and happiness. As we practice mindfulness we have less stress and more calmness, clarity and choices.
Green Physique offers mental focus as a part of its comprehensive approach to health & wellness.
The benefits of our mindfulness classes include:
- Better Decision Making: Quite often, poor decision making is the result of a lack of mindful behavior. Mindfulness classes will help you improve your decision-making by training you to think through each step of your day.
- Improved Self-Esteem: The result of poor decisions can be low self-esteem. Mindfulness will help break this negative cycle in your life.
- Less Negative Judgment and Anger: One of the first things we teach in Mindfulness Classes is the ability to let go of negative emotions and anger. By releasing our negative emotions, we release our urge to judge others, too, which allows for more positive energy in our daily lives.
- Increased Ability to Relax: Once that anger has been released, you will notice an increased ability to relax and calm your mind.
- Greater Energy and Enthusiasm: Increased ability to relax, in turn, results in higher energy levels and the ability to get more done during the average day. Of course, this will lead to a heightened sense of accomplishment.
- Better Sleep, Mood and Energy levels: Mindfulness will also help improve your sleep, and in turn, your mood.
- Reduced Pain Levels: As your journey into mental focus evolves, you will learn some more advanced techniques, like moderating your own pain levels through your own mind.
- Enhanced Ability to Cope with Pain: By thinking through the root causes of pain, quite often we can use mental focus to train our bodies to cope better with pain.
- Improved Relationships: Lack of mindful behavior quite often impacts those in our lives very negatively. Those closest to us take the brunt of the negativity and thoughtless behavior that results. Mindfulness will help you break this cycle and improve your personal relationships dramatically.
- Improved Coping Skills: Along with all the other benefits, Mindfulness will also train you to react better to adversity and cope with loss more readily.
Mental focus training is a way of learning to consciously and systematically work with stress, pain, illness and the challenges and demands of everyday life. It teaches us not to avoid adversity, but to embrace it and work through it. Mindfulness is an extremely powerful tool. When applied consistently, the mindfulness techniques we teach you can help you improve and transform any part of your life you feel is lacking. It is a deep internal resource of attention, intention and attitude that is available to all of us.
Call us with any questions you have at 470-604-0038. If you want to see what mental focus is all about and you would like to try out a few exercises, click here to check out some of our home focus exercises.