Precor Rear Delt Fly
The rear delt fly machine, also known as the reverse pec deck, is a gym machine exercise that builds strength in the back of your shoulders and your rhomboids and traps in your upper back. This machine can teach novice weightlifters how to activate their rear delts in the safest way possible.
Primary Muscles Used
Rear Delt Fly Instructions
- Sit on the pad facing the Precor rear delt fly machine and plant your feet firmly on the ground. Your chest should be pressed up against the chest pad and your back should be straight.
- Grab the inside horizontal handles with your palms facing down. Your arms should be slightly bent.
- Contract your rear deltoids to bring the handles back until they are roughly in line with your shoulders.
- Squeeze your rear delts and rhomboids hard in this position and slowly return to the starting position.
- Repeat.
Tim's list of benefits for the Precor Rear Delt Fly
- Compared to free weight exercises such as the bent over reverse fly, the rear deltoid fly machine provides far more stability.
- There is little strain placed on your lower back and your core does not need to work as hard to stabilize your torso. You also don’t need to worry about the path of your hands, as the machine restricts your range of motion.
- In todays society so much time is spent in front of your phone or on your computer, the muscles of your upper back, like the rhomboids, are in a stretched position and you get that hunched over look. This exercise will help prevent, and correct that problem.
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