Star Trac Seated Cable Fly
The seated cable fly is an isolation exercise that focuses on the muscles of the pectorals. Just like the seated cable chest press your body is stable, allowing you to focus all your energy on the muscles of the chest.
Primary Muscles Used
Seated Cable Fly Instructions
- After setting the machine at the desired weight, sit with your feet firmly on the floor, about shoulder-width apart.
- Grasp the handles with a full grip, your thumb circled around the handle. Maintain a neutral wrist position with your wrists in line with your forearms.
- Sit up tall and relax your neck and shoulders. Your feet should be flat on the floor.
- Grab the handles so that your palms are facing forward.
- Keep a slight bend in your elbows and your arms at shoulder height.
- Bring your hands forward in a rounding motion as if hugging a tree.
- Press your arms together in front of your chest with a slow, controlled movement. Keep a slight, soft bend in the elbows with wrists relaxed.
- Pause for one second once your hands are together in front of your chest.
- Bring your arms slowly back to the starting position, opening your chest and keeping posture strong and upright.
- Repeat.
Benefits of the Star Trac Seated Cable Fly Machine
- The Star Trac cable fly machine is ideal for increasing chest strength and muscle mass by targeting the pectoralis muscles. You have two sets of pectoral muscles on each side of the front of your chest: the pectoralis major and the pectoralis minor. This exercise primarily benefits the pectoralis major—the larger of the two muscles that are responsible for movement at the shoulder joint.
- The seated cable fly will increase your lung capacity by expanding and stretching the ribcage.
- This exercise is particularly helpful if you are new to training these muscles. The chest fly is performed fully seated and supported by a back pad so it is easy to practice good posture and form while using the machine. Additionally, the seated position helps you put your full effort into the chest muscles.
- Using the cables allows for a more natural motion as well as a better squeeze at peak contraction.
If you are ready to maximize your results, and really get the most benefit out of each and every machine inside our club, give us a call at 770-751-1837 or call Tim Shevlin directly at 470-604-0038 to set up your free session!
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