If you are looking for a nutritionist and motivational speaker to address a Florida audience, consider health and wellness expert Tim Shevlin of the Green Physique.

Tim Shevlin, owner of the Green Physique, is a Certified Fitness Trainer, Certified Exercise Therapist and Certified Nutritionist. He is also a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Group (CBTGF) Facilitator and a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Instructor.

Nutritionist and Motivational Speaker FloridaTim’s passion for health and wellness began in college, when he successfully rehabbed his own herniated disc and overcame some self-destructive addictions.

After surviving his personal health crisis, he dedicated himself to learning everything there is to know about fitness, mindfulness, physical therapy, physiology, nutrition and rehabilitation techniques, in order to regain his health.

Today, Tim is passionate about helping people make positive changes in their lives. He has a unique ability to inspire and motivate groups of employees or members of organizations and provide the tools and guidance they need to promote happier and healthier lifestyles.

In his engaging wellness presentations, he draws on his proven strategies to help others improve nutrition, lose weight, boost energy, eliminate stress and regain their passion for life. Keynote speeches, workshops and breakout sessions, retreats or coaching programs can be customized to meet your needs.

Nutrition: The Key to Your Success

At the Green Physique, our comprehensive approach to personal training is nutrition-based.  We believe that wellness and fitness happens mostly in the kitchen, not the gym, so nutrition is at the center of every personal training client’s individual plan. The goal is to help them establish permanent good habits for life.

We discuss current eating habits, food preferences, and daily activities, and help clients set reasonable, achievable goals.  Then we help them choose healthy foods they like and that will be easy to incorporate into their busy schedules. When working with specific medical conditions (like cancer or diabetes), we collaborate with the client’s physician when formulating a nutrition plan.

With the right nutritional guidance and plan, clients are pleasantly surprised by how easy it is to lose weight and get into shape. But we also want to help them develop life-long healthy eating habits that will pay countless dividends as they get older.

Green Physique’s holistic approach to nutrition includes prescribing meal plans, setting nutrition goals for you, and tracking your progress. Even when you take advantage of online nutrition classes from home or work, we are here to coach you, teach you, counsel you, encourage you, and give you the personal attention you need.

If you feel your Florida business, club, or other organization could benefit from a nutritionist and motivational speaker or are interested in our other services, call Green Physique at (470) 604-0038 or contact us online for additional information.