Jeremy Keller Home Page

Click the exercise for a description.

Full Body Workout - Only do on Thursdays or Fridays if we are training on Mondays.

Supplement Links

Magnesium - start with  tsp per day and after 2 weeks go to 2 tsp per day at night

No Salt Potassium - tsp per day

Green Vibrance - 1 scoop per day

Cod Liver Oil - 1 tsp per day

Protein Powder - as needed - you can really use any type that you like but these are my 3 favorites as far as quality goes.

Shoulder Rehab Program

Do you know someone who might be interested in working with us? Give us their contact info and if they sign up you will get a $100 credit!

Put your friend's/family's information above and we will be in contact with them. Name, Number, Email, and how you know them is preferred! Put as many people as you want on this one form.

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