Eric Burton Home Page

This is your home page, here you will find your current exercise program, you nutrition plan, links to pages that will be useful for you.


Start Date: 4/14/24

Click on the exercise to be taken to the exercise description.

Day 1: Back

Day 2: Chest

Day 3: Legs

Day 4: Arms

Day 5: Shoulders

Next exercise you will be supersetting the two.  Do a set of behind the neck shoulder press with the weighted bars, then when you finish immediately grab dumbbells for lateral raises.  Then rest after the lateral raises.  Do 5 sets of the superset.

  • Behind the Neck Standing Shoulder Press
    • Start with just the bar and go up to 25 lbs on each side
  • Lateral Raises
    • Start with 15 LB dumbbells


Click link for download:


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